
The Montesinos Foundation & Petter Viasselfebb


Array to Installation / ExhibitionLe Commun (Bâtiment d'art contemporain)

(CH) - Youtribe

The installation YOUTRIBE uses Youtube as a sociological tool. The sequences filmed by amateurs are put up together in amazingly barmy mash-ups.

The Montesinos Foundation's goal is to analyze our contemporary culture with humor. Its speciality? The "boomerang-type occurrences", giving the audience a sort of distorting mirror to admire its own deviances. Memorable actions have taken place in the past, such as a the presentation of the "Human Rights Karaoke" at the 150th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of the Human Rights, or a lucky draw lottery offering real money to the public during the Manor Art Prize at the Mamco in 2000.

Petter Viasselfebb has participated, with The Montesinos Foundation, at the exhibition "Salle des Fêtes" (Electron Festival 2010), has played an electro-acoustic live with Y. Amstutz and organized the exhibition OUTERSPACE in Geneva and Cleveland (OH). To name but a few...

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